He is a Geodetic Engineer who is dependable, hardworking and has the ability to multitask. He holds a Higher National Diploma from the Accra Technical University with 13 years working experience.
He is/was the project surveyor for a number of projects, namely: Reconstruction of Akim Oda – Ofoasekuma Road; Outstanding works on the Rehabilitation of Wenchi – Kade Road; Bitumen Surfacing of Peminase-Beposo, Beposo-Amakom-Ankase Road; Bitumen surfacing of Achiase-Anyanso, Anyinase-Anyanso-Ofoase Road; Bitumen Surfacing of Asankare-Kwabeng Road; Partial Reconstruction/Upgrading of Adeiso – Asamankese Road; Construction of Kpong Left Bank Irrigation Projects; and Rehabilitation of Feeder Roads in South Tongu and Keta Districts.
He was the Project Engineer/Surveyor for Bitumen Surfacing of Tontun-Aketechie-Aboadi Road; Bitumen Surfacing of Dixcove-Akwadai; Coastal Fishing Ports and Landing Sites Redevelopment Project and Community Level Infrastructure Upgrade and Construction of Football Pitch at Agbogbloshie.